Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fun with family

This past weekend, was crazy. We headed up to SLC after AJ got off work so we could be there for Sunday and spend some time with my family. My brothers that live out of state were in town and we had a party planned. It was a great day. We went to church with them, and of course I had to hold my new little niece and that was great, but she decided to leave a little mess on my white skirt. Oh well, she is well worth it. We also went to my sisters house for a barbecue, rock band party etc. It was a great time. I have the greatest siblings and of course parents.

This is a picture of AJ with his uncle Colt( my brother).
Here is the daddy of it all...

Of course you can't have a party without many pictures of family by Aunt Kristi.

This is a picture of my dad, my sister, Kami, and my two brothers playing Rock Band. We all had a chance to join in the fun. It was a hoot to watch and play in.

I have always loved teather ball and my sister happened to have on so Mike, AJ, and Todd had to try out their skills.
What a great day. My kids are the oldest grand kids of the family so they don't have cousins their ages to hang out with but they have their uncles and aunts that they have just as much fun with. This is what memories are all made of.


Andrea said...

Sounds great. :)

susette said...

Tetherball was my most favorite sport when I was in elementary school. That brings back a lot of fond memories for me.

What great family memories you are building with your kids. I love it.

Anonymous said...

My kids have an uncle Colt too :)

Kristy said...

So much fun! I love hanging out with the fam!

Heatherlyn said...

Hooray for hanging out and spending time with family!!

Kristi T. said...

Gotta love it! It was amazing the whole day just went so well. So many fun things to remember. Thanks for coming and tell Mike thanks for staying for the crazy family photo.