Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Finally the Pictures...

Yes, I actually have posted my braces/new hair picture all in one. This was at the end of last week. You can tell that I definitely have braces and that my hair is a little darker.
What do you think???


Rae said...

I love the hair color; it complements your skin color perfectly! I'm jealous that your braces aren't garish, like mine were when I had them. You don't look like a metal mouth and I SOOOOO did.

Lara Neves said...

I think the braces make you look as young as Angela! :) That's not a bad thing, is it?

You look great. The hair is superb. :)

Sherrie said...

I agree with Lara. In fact I thought you were Angela at first. Looking Good, Lady! :)

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Looooooooove your hair! It's such a pretty color on you and your braces really do look awesome on you! Haha, you think I'm kidding but it's SO cool that you got them!