Thursday, August 12, 2010

Better Late than Never

This year has been filled with many many eventful days. I would have to say one of the highlights of our year is back the end of April when I graduated with my bachelors in Elementary Education and was able to graduate with two of my children. Todd and Karrilyn both received their Associates degree the same day. We were able to walk together when we graduated. It was awesome. Todd graduated from college before he even graduated from high school, which is another great even for this year.

I have been so much of a slacker, this year has been hard and I felt like I needed to try to get at least some of the most important things blogged about.

This day was so exciting for me. I never thought I would actually go back to school and graduate with my bachelors and I DID IT. I have always had the dream to be a teacher. I hope that now I can find a job as a teacher.

This picture is of Karrilyn(my oldest daughter), Todd( my 17 old son), and I am in the middle. It was such a beautiful day. I couldn't have asked for more.
Karrilyn on graduation day. She is so happy, which you can tell by this picture.

This is of Todd on graduation day. He is such a cutie. I am so proud of both of them. They have worked SO hard.

Here is a picture of me with my two sisters, Kami and Kristi and my two kids that graduated with me. This day was very special. My mom and dad came down for the graduation and Mike's parents did also. We also had my two sisters come down and Kami actually brought her two kids too and then Mike's sister and brother in law( Anna and Fuzzy) came down too. It was a day I will never forget.


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome!!! WOW, congrats that really is a grand achievement!

Sherrie said...

That is really awesome! I am so happy for you all. What an amazing experience that must have been, and I'm glad you finally blogged about it and shared some photos.

I will tell you something Ms. Kathy, you have always been an inspiration to me. When I was trying to decide if I should go back to school or not, I thought of you. And I thought that if Kathy could do it then so can I. So now I am in school working towards my Bachelors of Science in Financial Forensics. And I am loving it so far. Thanks for being a wonderful example to me, to your children and to everyone around you.

Love Ya!

Rae said...

What an awesome way to do that!! You and two of your kids, too--congratulations!