Thursday, January 22, 2009

I guess I could pay for it

I have been blogging now for a while and still don't have many followers or many commenters. I have been thinking maybe the trick is to pay my followers or friends. Is that how it works?? Just kidding. If you have any ideas how to get people interested in commenting and checking your blog out let me know, I would love to know the tricks.


Lara Neves said...

Have you registered your blog at Mormon Mommy blogs? Mormon moms who blog? Blog Stalkers Unite? Check all of those out.

humming fun said...

Pay it forward

Erin said...

In addition to what Lara said, going to other people's blogs and leaving comments helps. They come over and check you out too. It kind of takes a lot of time though!

susette said...

These three people before me said it exactly how I would have. It definitely takes time and true caring about peoples thoughts and experiences, which I believe you truly have that down already.

Kristy said...

I tried a giveaway. It worked mildly well, but didn't do what I really thought it would. I don't worry about it too much. I really enjoy blogging and think it's a great way to record my life in moments. So I'll keep on keeping on. We also can't compare ourselves to people like Lara up there ;) She's been blogging for YEARS. You have as many followers as I do....

Loralee and the gang... said...

I found your blog after you comment on mine. I read your whole first page, and you have some great posts! This one made me LOL! I think all the commenters before me are right on...but i think what Erin said is the most effective - leave lots of comments. You know, what comes around, goes around.

And I joined your followers, too.