Thursday, December 4, 2008

Where did all of this come from

I have been finally trying to decorate my house and I am remembering how much hard work it is. Another thing I am wondering is where did all of these decorations come from. I keep bringing boxes and boxes upstairs to decorate. I guess this is a sign that I am not as young as my college friends and that you can judge a person's age by how much stuff they keep or how much decorations they accumulate during the years.
I guess it does depend a little on if you are a big Christmas person or a Christmas Queen like my brother calls me.
At this pace I think I might be done decorating by the 15th of this month. On top of the decorations that I already have I am thinking that I want to decorate our new basement family room. Do you know what that means??? More decorations...
How much decorations do you have?? Do you think I should decorate the basement family room or just let it be normal and not festive?? These are questions that I have.


humming fun said...

I don't think you really want my comment here.

susette said...

I decorate my family room, living room, piano room, why not? Decorate everywhere that you'd like, especially if you are in the basement very often. Why not have more holiday decorations to enjoy this season? That is my opinion.

Lara Neves said...

I say decorate to your heart's desire! :)